
Looking for a hassle free way to add some colour to your garden?

The Urban Jungle has the perfect solution for you! Our selection of low growing shrubs, ground cover, flaxes & natives are perfect for covering garden beds and borders. They're easy to maintain and will add a pop of colour that is both low maintenance and hassle free.

With a variety of colours and textures available, you're sure to find the perfect plants for your garden. So why wait? Order today and start enjoying your new lush garden straight away!

  • Convolvulus Cneorum

    Compact rounded bush. Silky, silvery-grey leaves. Showy white, open trumpet-shaped flowers through summer. Prefers warm sunny sites, with well-drained soil. Evergreen. Hardy.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 60cm

  • Pitto 'Frankies Folly'

    A fabulous compact plant. Fresh green foliage, with dark stems forms a nicely rounded, compact shrub. Use as an alternative to Buxus for low hedges or screens, in containers or as a specimen. Position in full sun to semi shade. Evergreen.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 60cm

  • Metrosideros Tahiti

    Often referred to as a Tahitian Pohutukawa. Excellent dotted in the garden or a a boarder plant for large gardens. It does not like heavy frosts and young exposed leaves will burn. Excellent at the coast in free draining ground or in a tub.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 1.5m

  • Buxus 'Green Gem'

    This Buxus naturally grows to form a small rounded shrub about a meter in diameter. It has small narrow leaves and slow growth of 30-50mm per year. This is a great plant for low hedging or topiary balls. The spring growth is a beautiful soft lime green darkening with age. Hardy.

    Growth Rate: Slow Height when mature: 1m

  • Hebe Diosmifolia 'White'

    Great compact growing Hebe. Looks good as a small hedge or just as a spot of colour in the garden. Produces masses of white and soft lilac flowers over spring. Prefers free draining soil and full sun.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 1m

  • Hebe Diosmifolia 'Mauve'

    Great compact growing Hebe. Looks good as a small hedge or just as a spot of colour in the garden. Prefers free draining soil and full sun. Produces masses of mauve soft lilac flowers over spring.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 1m

  • Coprosma ‘Poor Knights’

    A semi prostrate growing coprosma with vibrant glossy green leaves. Great coast hardy ground cover tolerant to dry conditions. A lovely lush look for the tropical garden. Hardy

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 60cm

  • Agapanthus ‘Tinkerbell’

    A slow-growing dwarf selection with beautifully variegated foliage. The narrow, moss-green leaves have slender ivory stripes along the edges. Its equally attractive medium-blue flowers occur when growing conditions are favourable, particularly from late-spring to summer.

    Growth Rate: Slow Height when mature: 40cm

  • Michelia Figo

    Fantastic standard / topiary as a talking piece for the garden. The Port Wine Magnolia is a great shrub that puts amazing show on when in flower in the spring. Masses of medium sweet, Port smelling white flowers blushed with burgundy. Prefers part shade and free draining soil.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 3m

  • Arthropodium Cirratum

    Renga Renga Lilly. Used widely as a ground-cover for dry shade and under trees. Forms large clumps of broad, medium-green, arching foliage. Graceful sprays of white star-shaped flowers from spring to mid-summer. Tolerates coastal winds. Hardy.

    Growth Rate: Fast Height when mature: 1m

  • Loropetalum 'China Pink'

    A great multi-featured garden plant that suits a wide-range of garden styles from low maintenance to cottage garden to sub-tropical splendour. With a layered structure of deep purple foliage that is complemented by the vibrant, bubble-gum pink, witchhazel type flowers produced over a long season.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 2m

  • Lomandra 'Little Pal'

    A compact and graceful Australian native grass. Light green foliage, weeps and billows in the wind. Unusual spiky yellow caterpillar-like flower heads in autumn. Excellent for mass planting or using as an edging. Hardy.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 60cm

  • Star Jasmine

    Evergreen twining climber or ground cover with dark green foliage colouring to bronze-red in winter. From mid summer masses of pure white fragrant flowers are produced.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 1.5m

  • Star Jasmine - Caned

    Trachelospermum jasminoides is an evergreen climber with glossy dark green leaves which may colour in the autumn. For a long period it carries very fragrant pure white flowers.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 1.5m

  • Blechnum Gibbum

    Silver Lady is a fern that will thrive indoors or out. It forms an upright growth habit which will develop a short trunk when mature and it is often called the dwarf tree fern. It is frost tender and prefers a warm, shady area and like most ferns it will require adequate moisture to thrive. Does well in shady corners or under established trees.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 1m

  • Asplenium Bulbiferum

    Hen & Chicken Fern is a clump forming fern with its graceful habit and attractive deep green feathery fronds is a real stunner. Quite fast growing and although frequently grown as an indoor plant, it makes a spectacular display outside in a shady, sheltered position in a moist, rich soil. Try planting underneath other natives or try in a tropical styled garden.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 80cm

  • Tecomanthe Speciosa

    This attractive NZ native climber is one of the rarest plants in the world. A vigorous climber with large handsome, dark-green, glossy leaves, it originates on the Three Kings Islands and is highly threatened in the wild. Thankfully, it is common in gardens and is very easy to grow providing you give it protection from frost. Plant in moist, well drained soil, rich in compost. Creamy-white flowers are borne in bunches during autumn and winter and are popular with tuis.

    Growth Rate: Fast Height when mature: 4m

  • Ligularia Reniformis

    A distinctive perennial with large, glossy-green kidney-shaped leaves. Commonly known as the ‘tractor seat’ plant. Distinctive yellow flowers in summer. Best in moist, free-draining soils in dappled light. Winter dormant.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 60cm

  • Lomandra White Sands

    A variegated cultivar with slender, arching cream and green foliage. Best grown in free-draining soils in either full sun or partial shade. This hardy perennial tolerates cold conditions, heat, periods of drought and is suitable for coastal locations.

    Growth Rate: Medium Height when mature: 60cm